Fatty liver is the infiltration of fat in hepatocytes (liver cells). The cases of fatty liver are increasing day by day due to multiple factors like:
1. Food Metabolism mainly occurs in the liver & due to unbalancing of energy intake & its combustion leads to fatty liver.
2. Due to peripheral resistance to insulin due to type-2 –diabetes.
3. Due to Metabolic Syndrome: abdominal obesity, high Blood pressure, high sugar levels, high triglycerides levels
4. Alcohol Intake
5. Excess Carbohydrate intake in diet such as high-calorie food & packet food
6. Due to Unbalancing of body hormones such as hypothyroidism, PCOD & hypopituitarism.
Fatty Liver disease is classified into Two Main Categories:
1. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): Due to high fructose intake is one of the major reasons for NAFLD high fructose consumption promotes fat accumulation in the liver by stimulating de novo lipogenesis in the liver and reducing the beta-oxidation of fat. The enzyme fructokinase rapidly metabolizes fructose & which leads to a decreased level of intracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The decrease in ATP increases oxidative stress and impairments proper protein synthesis and mitochondrial function in the liver.
2. Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (AFLD): Alcoholic fatty liver occurs due to excess consumption of alcohol for a long duration which leads to ethanol metabolism in the liver in excess which can further lead to hepatic cell damage, fibrosis & cirrhosis of the liver.
Fatty liver can be classified as (ultrasound screening)
Grade 1: no symptoms are present patient
Grade 2: Indigestion & bloating & flatulence with insulin resistance
Grade 3: Insulin resistance stage with disturbance in lipid profile & liver enzymes needs medical supervision.
Grade 4: Type- 2-diabetes, PCOD, with fibrosis & steatosis of hepatocytes
Grade 5: Cirrhosis
Alcohol Intake in excess
Fructose Excess Consumption
Less Physical Activity or a sedentary lifestyle
Dysbiosis: poor gut health
Insulin resistance & Obesity
Medication: few drugs harm the liver & long-term duration of intake of these can lead to Fatty liver

The best treatment for Fatty liver is dietary changes & adopting an active lifestyle
Complete withdrawal of alcohol or limiting 1-2 peg in a week as per the status of liver cell damage.
The restriction of total calories in a day is 800-1000 kcal/ day with proper balancing of fat, proteins & carbohydrates. Fructose-containing food items are restricted to fast recovery & adding of Omega rich fats & Low-fat high protein sources in the diet.
Food rich in Vitamin B complex is a good choice for fatty liver patients such as sprouts.
Proteins such as soybean, peas, lentils, cowpeas, and chickpeas are good for lipid lowering.
Oatmeal is rich in fiber and can be added to the diet of fatty liver patients
Ginger, Garlic, cinnamon & turmeric are excellent sources that help in reducing the liver fats
Vitamin E-rich foods such as sunflower seeds, and walnuts help to recover insulin resistance as well as fat metabolism
Low fructose, good fiber, low-fat high protein foods are the best choice for fatty liver diseases.
Amla Juice as a source of Vitamin C and an antioxidant is a good choice for the fatty liver patient, enhancing liver fat metabolism.
Complete omitting of Sugar, honey, jagger & chocolates are the best tips for Fatty liver patients.
Food containing excess salt must be avoided for liver damage.
The liver is the powerhouse of our body that generates energy coins ATP patients suffering from fatty liver, NAFLD, and AFLD face low energy levels. To recover from the condition one should adopt good eating habits and an active lifestyle.